
Misunderstood is a solo based on rites and modern perceptions of rites of passage accompanied by death. the clash of urban ideology and traditions is put to focus, on a generational and universal context. the personal inhibitions of the dancer is explored and met through objects, reactions to landscapes, architecture, voices, sounds and the ambiguity of the glorified moments. 


“Kepha Oiro “Misunderstood” (Nairobi, Kenya)

Kepha Oiro dedicated to the rites in his solo and sometimes misleading traditions that accompany the dying. For GLOBALIZE: COLOGNE 10, he creates a new collaboration with Stephanie Thiersch a fragmentary version of the play”.

Title: Misunderstood

Duration: 35 mins

Concept:kefa Oiro

Choreography/dancer:kefa Oiro

Technician: Niko Modennborg

Artistic collaboration: Stephanie thiersch

Music: Judy Bwire, soundscapes


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